Our team has a strong clinical experience with Hadrien Rozé in the Unit of Thoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care since 2004, with a research activity in mechanical ventilation and respiratory failure and Remi Dubois Director of research in Electrophysiology and Heart modelisation in the Liryc Institute.
SimVA Medical

Pr Hadrien Rozé, MD,PhD
Responsible for the Thoracic Intensive Care Unit, with Lung Transplantation and ECMO mobile team, Bordeaux, France
Bordeaux University Hospital

Pr Rémi Dubois, PhD
Signal Processing Team leader, and Director of innovation at IHU Liryc , Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute, Bordeaux, France

Pr Laurent Brochard , MD
Scientific Advisor
Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St Michael Hospital, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto,ON, Canada.
The 2 Labs of SimVA
The Research Institute- Liryc
The Thoracic Intensive Care unit and operating room for Respiratory Diseases in Bordeaux University Hospital.